What you will find with us
Kids point
A survey has shown that for children in a culture change and in a moving situation and acclimatization, friendships with other children in a similar situation are the greatest resource. With our Kids-point project we want to remedy this. The goal of the bi-weekly Zoom meetings is to connect children. Short training units on culture, friendship and dealing with emotions as well as creative, resource-promoting elements enrich the meetings.
One of the greatest resources for children across cultures is realizing that they are not alone. Over 300,000 children from Switzerland and over 800,000 from Germany currently live in another country. We bring children together and help them to understand their experiences and create a positive future.
For families going through upheaval, a good conversation is often the first step toward an open, emotionally healthy journey. Together we illuminate the aspects of change, culture, loss and the construction of a new everyday family life. The goal is the growth of each individual and a healthy start into a new adventure.
It's not just children who sometimes feel alone in their experiences between cultures. Even as a parent, you need someone who understands from time to time. The community is intended to share resources and receive support on specific expat questions.
We are in the process of creating small video units, exercise material and podcasts with training elements on the topics of moving, culture change and transitioning. If a topic is particularly important to you, we would be happy to receive a message and ideas about what seems important to you personally.